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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Workout: Abdominal Workout 1

Workout: Abdominal Workout 1

Equipment Used:
  • Balance/Stability Ball
  • Soft ground area / Yoga Mat
  • Flat Bench / Flat Surface
  • A light, medium and heavy dumbbell
  • Highly recommended:Medicine Ball (weighted)

Abdominal Workout #1

Get Fab Abs!!!
Everyone wants that flat stomach but the icing on the cake is to build up a set of defined ab muscles. The expression "Abs are made in the kitchen" is very true however. No matter how much ab work you put in, if you are not down to a certain body fat percentage, your abs won't show. So make sure to diet properly so that your nutrition doesn't cover your six pack with a layer of fat.

This circuit is comprised of all ab exercises to help build up that six pack. Working your abs/core is different than building up other muscle groups. Abs in general have a quicker recovery period that other muscles so we want to limit our rests between sets. You also want to make sure to focus on form and breathing. Perform the exercises deliberately engaging your core and flexing your abs. Make sure to engage your abs on the negative of each exercise too. Squeeze those abs and breathe out at the peak of each exercise rep. You're only cheating yourself if you only put in half-hearted reps!

  1. Walk Outs
  2. V-Ups
  3. Oblique Crunches
  4. Bench Knee Raises
  5. Plank Superset
  6. Scissor Kick into Bicycles Superset
  7. Squat Thrusts into High Knee Superset
Stretch / Warmup
Loosen your muscles (both upper/lower body). Stretch out and hydrate.

1 - Walk Outs
Click For Video Example
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist and roll down until your fingertips touch the floor in front of your toes. Walk your hands forward, keeping your feet stationary, as you release the bend in your back. Walk until your legs are lowered and your arms are in pushup position, then reverse directions. Walk your hands back to starting position. Repeat 5-10 reps for 3 sets. Optional: You can start on your knees instead of on your feet.
2 - V-Ups
Video Example
Lie supine with hands on floor over head. Hold a stability ball with your feet. Simultaneously raise straight legs and torso. Reach toward raised feet and grab the stability ball. Return to starting position but hold the ball with your hands instead of feet. Repeat the motion but when your reach toward your legs, place the ball back in between your feet. Repeat for as many reps as possible for 3 sets. Optional: If the stability ball is too hard, you can leave it out & just reach for your feet each rep.
Optional: If the stability ball is too easy, use a slightly weighted stability ball or medicine ball.
3 - Oblique Crunches
Video Example
Sit on the stability ball and walk your feet out and spreading them as wide as you can. As wide as you feel comfortable with your hips and bring your hands up behind your head. You're going to alternate twisting from side to side trying to bring the elbow up towards the opposite thigh or knee. Each time that you come back, you want to come back as deep as you can so that your shoulder blades will touch the edge of the ball each time. Get the full range of motion coming through and focus on squeezing those obliques each rep. Repeat for at least 15 reps each side for 3 sets.
4 - Bench Knee Raises
Video Example
Sit near the end of a flat surface (flat bench or similar). Lean back slightly and hold the sides of the flat bench. Place your legs together and extend them out in front of the end of the bench. Perform reps by bending your knees and pulling them in toward your chest while leaning forward. Release by leaning back into starting position and extending your legs back out. Repeat 15+ reps for 3 sets.
5 - Plank Superset
A - Plank
Click For Video Example
Drop down onto a soft ground surface. Get face down to the ground, resting on the forearms w/ palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, raising onto your toes and rest on your elbows. Keep your back flat and form a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds to complete a rep. Lower onto your knees to rest. Move into Side Planks immediately after.
B - Side Plank
Click For Video Example
Still on the ground, turn to the side. Lift your body off the ground and balance on one forearm and the side of your foot. Contract your abdominals and relax your shoulders. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds to complete a rep. Then switch sides & hold again for an equal amount of time. Repeat the entire superset 3 times.
6 - Scissor Kick into Bicycles Superset
A - Scissor Kick
Click For Video Example
Find a soft surface and lie down. Tilt your head forward so it is slighty off the ground. Place your hands under your butt to support your lower back. Raise both your feet off the ground a few inches w/ your legs out straight. Now raise your left leg to a 45 degree angle while leaving the right leg out straight. Lower the left leg, keep it straight and then raise the opposite leg 45 degrees. Repeat and alternate to perform reps. After completing reps, move into Ab Bicycles. Perform at least 10 kicks per leg.
B - Bicycles
Click For Video Example
In the same lying position as flutter kicks, place both hands behind your raised head. We will instead bring your left knee in toward right elbow and attempt to make them touch. Keep your right leg out straight. Return to the start position & perform a rep w/ the other leg. Repeat and alternate to complete multiple reps. Perform at least 15 cycles, focusing on form and then repeat the entire superset at least 3 times.
7 - Squat Thrusts into High Knee Superset
A - Squat Thrusts
Video Example
Get down on the ground into a push-up position. To perform a rep you want to bring both feet simultaneously toward your hands by bending your legs and "jumping" your feet forward. Once forward, jump both feet back so that you return to your original push-up position. Perform at least 10 thrusts and then move onto high knees. leg.
B - High Knee
Click For Video Example
Get into a standing position with feet shoulder width apart. You want to start running in place but bringing your knees very high, at least up to the start of your torso. At the same time, take your elbows and alternate bringing them down to meet the opposite knee (right elbow to left raised knee then left elbow to right raised knee). Perform high knees for at least 20 seconds (or until too fatigued). Repeat the entire superset at least 3 times.

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nutrition: Veggie Quiche

Nutrition: Veggie Quiche


  • 2 Pre-Made Pie Crust
  • 1 cup chopped Faux Chicken *
  • 1/2 head of broccoli (chopped)
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 handful of green onions (chopped)
  • 2 carrot (grated)
  • 2 tbsp minced garlic
  • About 9 eggs
  • 1 cup Soy Cheese **
  • 1 cup Goat Cheese ***
  • Optional: 1/2 cup non-dairy milk (soy, almond, etc)
  • Optional: 1 tbsp Flour
Substitution Items
  • * Can substitute in cooked firm tofu or even real meat (ground beef/turkey, cubed/shredded chicken, etc.)
    We use stuff like this
  • ** Can use real cheese here but we use this.
  • *** Can leave this out but the quiche seems to hold together better leaving it in


  1. Look at the pie-crust instructions and pre-heat oven to that temperature. Pre-cook crust for 12 minutes.
  2. Cook your faux meat, tofu or real meat until its done. Chop/cube it into smaller pieces.
    *** Can season to your liking with Mrs Dash, Creole seasoning, salt, etc. We just sautee with garlic & little Mrs Dash.
  3. Heat a large skillet with some olive oil.
  4. Add the green onions and garlic. Cook for a few minutes.
  5. Now add your chopped broccoli and grated carrots. Cook for about 5 minutes until the veggies go a little soft. Stir often.
  6. During the last minute of cooking, stir in some spinach. Continue cooking until the spinach wilts.
  7. Remove the skillet from heat. Add in your chopped faux meat, soy cheese and goat cheese. Stir the mixture.
  8. Scoop spoonfuls of the mixture into your pie crusts until they are full (you may have leftover, just eat it).
  9. Crack open your eggs into a bowl and whisk.
    *** Can season to your liking with Mrs Dash, Creole seasoning, salt, etc. We leave it plain though.
  10. Slowly pour the eggs into each pie crust until the mixture within the crust is saturated with eggs (careful not to spill).
  11. Bake at about 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until you see the quiche is set.
  12. Once finished, set the quiche out for about 5 mintues to cool before diving in.
  13. Enjoy.


The recipe is very simple and tastes great. It also requires very little prep time and can be done in a hurry if you have pre-cut veggies. It reheats well but is also good as cold leftovers. Since it has a pie crust, you can eat a slice on-the-go with no utensils (watch out for crumbs though).

Monday, August 6, 2012

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 4

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 4

Equipment Used:
  • Timer
  • One pair of dumbbells
  • Soft ground area for push-ups/sit-ups
  • Park Bench or flat area of similar height
  • Optional: Slightly lighter weight pair of dumbbells
  • Highly recommended:Water source / Shade
Tip: This workout is outside, designed for a park with some space & some basic equipment. Scout out parks near you.
*** Directions to the park we use is at the bottom of the page. (Mueller Lake Park)
Tip: At least here in Texas, it's hot as hell outside. Bring water and snack bars to keep your energy up. As always, drink plenty of water and get sufficient rest.

Circuit #4

  1. Walking Lunges into Push-Up Superset
  2. High Knees into Bent Over Rows Superset
  3. Burpees
  4. Bicep Curls into Wall Sit Superset
  5. Tricep Kickbacks into Plank Superset
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Squats into Shoulder Press Superset
  8. Reverse Ab Crunch into Reverse Fly Superset
  9. Squat Jumps
  10. Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups
  11. Optional: Relay Runs
  12. Optional: 1-2 mile warm down run/walk

Circuit #4 - HIIT Style

We kept with the high-intensity style workout but tried to balance muscle groups better. Each superset should contain at least two groups to allow you to hit it harder. Instead of counting reps, we use a countdown timer and try to burn out as many reps as possible in the allotted time.

For supersets, perform as many reps as possible for the 1st exercise in 30 seconds. Without rest, move onto the next exercise in the superset and knock out reps of that for 30 seconds. That will complete one "set". Rest 30 seconds and repeat for two more sets. Be sure to drop weight and/or exercise difficulty level if you find it hard to complete reps the entire time. The main focus is to be actively working the entire time period and not rest.

For the compound movements (#3/6/9), perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Again, you want to be moving the entire time so even if you get fatigued, keep moving and perform the exercise in a slower, more deliberate fashion. Focusing on form.

The exercises used are a reconfiguration of previous circuits so you can review those posts for more detail on each. A quick list of video examples are provided below to refresh your memory on any exercises.


Walking Lunges: Video Example
Push-Up: Click For Video Example
High Knees: Click For Video Example
Bent Over Rows: Click For Video Example
Burpees: Click For Video Example
Bicep Curls: Video Example
Wall Sit: Click For Video Example
Tricep Kickbacks: Click For Video Example
Plank: Click For Video Example
Mountain Climbers: Click For Video Example
Squats: Click For Video Example
Shoulder Press: Click For Video Example
Reverse Ab Crunch: Click For Video Example
Reverse Fly: Click For Video Example
Squat Jumps: Click For Video Example
Pull-Ups: Video Example (Assisted)

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

The closest intersection is at the edge of the park.
Map to the following intersection:
Simond Ave & Mattie St, Austin TX 78723
  • Head South on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward 51st Street
  • Merge onto I-35 Frontage Rd
  • Turn left onto E 51st St
  • Turn right onto Mueller Blvd
    *** Once on Mueller, Seton Hospital will be to your right
  • At the traffic circle, make a left onto Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street
  • Head North on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward Airport Blvd (237A)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Airport Blvd S/TX-111 Loop E and merge onto TX-111 Loop S/Airport Blvd
  • Turn left onto Aldrich St
    *** Should be first major stoplight
  • At the traffic circle, continue straight to stay on Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street