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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Resisted Running 1


Resisted Running 1

Exercises like resisted sprints & sled pulls/pushes help you develop power which can increase your ability to accelerate. Resistance leg work recruits more hip muscles which allows you to be able to put more power to the ground. Dragging resistance while running also tends to promote arm action which is good for your technique. Correct arm action can improve stride & leg movement, all which help you dust your opponent.
We've recently incorporated a Sklz Power Sled, a few parachutes & a harnessed tire to our circuits. The Sled takes standard 2" weighted plates & has an adjustable front handle which can be used to either push or pull the sled. This helps build dynamic power in the lower body. The tire is just an old passenger car tire (free from any tire shop) with a hole drilled into it. A rope is passed through and knotted at the end to hold it into place. The other end of the rope is tied to a generic waist belt. So you just strap up and take off running! We try to perform backwards & lateral runs in addition to standard forward runnning. The parachutes strap to your waist in a similar fashion. They only provide resistance if you are sprinting forward however.
Get fast! If you're not first, you're last...

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