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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mueller Lake Park Circuit 7

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 7

Equipment Used:
  • Timer (watch/phone/etc)
  • Soft ground area to lie down (carpet/grass/etc)
  • A raised, solid surface which will support your weight (park bench, steps, sturdy chair)
  • Highly Recommended: Resistance Band (medium and/or adjustable recommended)
  • Highly Recommended: A heavy and light pair of dumbbells
Tip: This could also be modified for indoor use however, just get creative!

Circuit #7

  1. Jumping Jacks (warm-up)
  2. Lying Dumbbell Chest Press into Bent Over Dumbbell Row
  3. Alternating Dumbbell Curl into Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise
  4. Tricep Dips into Seated Dumbbell Reverse Flys
  5. Lying Reverse Crunches into Plank
  6. Squat Presses into Romanian Deadlifts
  7. Standing Calf Raises into Dumbbell Step-Ups (or Box Jumps)

Circuit #7 - Sanchez Superset

This circuit encompasses the entire body. It starts with the upper body and works its way down to your legs. This circuit is designed to move quickly and you should limit rest between sets. Since each superset hits the same body part twice, you should feel a good burn. Perform 3-5 sets per superset.

Due to the fact that this circuit will move fast, try to have a variety of different sized dumbbells available. You could also alternately have a light or medium strength resistance band handy to really burn out those last couple reps. Start heavy and when fatigued, drop to a lower weight. Focus on continuous reps and movement to maximize the burn during the entire set.

We switch exercises within a superset every 30 seconds and use 30 seconds of rest between sets. We are working toward eliminating rest between sets & allowing maybe 1 minute rest when switching to a new superset.

Many of these exercises are explained in greater detail in previous posts so browse those for additional tips and tricks. Video examples are linked below to refresh your memory on each exercise.


Jumping Jacks Click For Video Example
Lying Dumbbell Chest Press: Click For Video Example
Bent Over Dumbbell Row: Click For Video Example
Dumbbell Curl: Click For Video Example
Dumbbell Front Raise: Click For Video Example
Dips: Click For Video Example
Seated Dumbbell Reverse Flys: Click For Video Example
Lying Reverse Crunches: Click For Video Example
Plank: Click For Video Example
Squat Presses: Click For Video Example
Romanian/Stiff-Legged Deadlift: Click For Video Example
Calf Raises: Click For Video Example
Dumbbell Step-Ups: Click For Video Example

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 6

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 6

Equipment Used:
  • Timer (watch/phone/etc)
  • Soft ground area to lie down (carpet/grass/etc)
  • A raised, solid surface which will support your weight (park bench, steps, sturdy chair)
  • Highly Recommended: Resistance Band (medium and/or adjustable recommended)
  • Highly Recommended: One pair of heavy dumbbells
Tip: This could also be modified for indoor use however, just get creative!

Circuit #6

  1. Jumping Jacks (warm-up)
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Walking Lunges (weighted/incline)
  4. Calf Raises
  5. Squats Press
  6. Burpees
  7. Romanian/Stiff-Legged Deadlift
  8. High Knees
  9. Wall Sit
  10. Hip Bridge/Raises
  11. Squat/Box Jumps

Circuit #6 - Leg Armageddon

Is this madness??? No, this is LEG DAY!!! One of the most effective ways to grow/sculpt a muscle group is to target it specifically. We all dread leg day but secretly love it. It is what separates the casual gym-goer from the turly hardcore. Don't be that guy/gal at the pool or beach with ripped arms but stick legs! It will get real old wearing sweatpants everywhere to cover your Olive Oil legs up, lol.

Since the entire workout is leg specific, we decided to not superset each exercise. You can specify a set amount of reps if you wish but for our group environment, using a timer is best. The main focus is to be actively working the entire time period and not rest. Even if you have to do an easier or modified form of the exercise, keep moving! Don't cheat yourself.

Each exercise can be done with just bodyweight but it's best to use a heavy set of dumbbells or a resistance band to add stress. Your legs have the largest muscles in your body so it's important to provide them with a challenge. If you become fatigued during the alloted time, simply switch to using bodyweight only. Many of these exercises are explained in greater detail in previous posts so browse those for additional tips and tricks. Video examples are linked below to refresh your memory on each exercise.


Jumping Jacks Click For Video Example
Mountain Climbers: Click For Video Example
Walking Lunges: Click For Video Example
Calf Raises: Click For Video Example
Squat Presses: Click For Video Example
Burpees: Click For Video Example
Romanian/Stiff-Legged Deadlift: Click For Video Example
High Knees: Click For Video Example
Wall Sit: Click For Video Example
Hip Bridge/Raises: Click For Video Example
Squat Jumps: Click For Video Example

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nutrition: Meal Prep 1

Nutrition: Meal Prep 1

Another popular question I receive is about how to eat healthy. This is an attempt to jot down a simple process to prepare meals.

Basic Steps

1 - Plan Ingredients
2 - Shopping
3 - Prep
4 - Cook
5 - Plate

Advanced Steps

1 - Plan Ingredients

I usually start out by planning what ingredients I need to acquire to prepare meals. I prep meals 1-2 times a week so I start by checking the fridge to see if there are any leftover ingredients from my last prep. This prevents me from overstocking ingredients and helps keep the fridge clean! My prep is broken down into three basic sections: protein, veggies and carbs.

My usual protein options include: chicken, turkey, fish and egg whites. Although I don't eat them, lean beef and cottage cheese can be throw in this category too. For vegetarians, protein sources can include: tofu/tempeh, quinoa, beans and meat substitute products (i.e. seitan, veggie burgers, etc). Some of the vegetarian protein options could technically be considered a carb too. Be mindful of that if you are carb conscious.

The vegetables options are almost endless. I like to always include leafy greens but it is best to "eat the rainbow". My usual leafy greens include: spinach, kale, bok choy and collard/mustard greens. I also mix in: broccoli, asparagus, green beans, snow peas, carrots and various peppers.

Carbohydrate options are similarly numerous but I like to be healthy with my carbs. You don't want to go around eating a bunch of bad carbs (i.e. french fries). Quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole-grain breads are acceptable. Most beans or legumes can be used. Oats, sweet potatoes and yams work too. My favorites are: black beans (unsalted), sweet potatoes (boiled/baked), whole wheat pasta and brown rice.

Snacks are not necessarily included in my prep but since you are headed to the store anyway, you might as well try to set yourself up for success by keeping healthy snacks around. I put fruit into this category. Usually with my breakfast or a protein shake, I like to include fruit. Yogurt, boiled eggs, canned tuna, snack packs of lightly salted popcorn and oatmeal are frequent purchases of mine. Nuts like almonds, cashews, etc are good snacks as well. Sliced cucumbers or similar veggies can even be quick, healthy snacks.

The best method to measure your portions is to use an actual food scale. This is a little hardcore so for times when I'm just free-eating, I just eyeball my portions. I "guesstimate" my portions by comparing it to the size of my palm. For men, it's about 6-8 ounces. For women, it's around 3-4 ounces. Depending on your eating schedule, you want to add one "palm" of protein and then either one "palm" of veggies or carbs. I go "either/or" with my veggies and carbs, eating carbs only around my workouts and not too late in the evening. That's just my regimen, it's ok to mix in the carbs w/ veggies but I suggest to not go too crazy on the carbs. Veggies are fairly safe to eat in excess.

I write down what I might need and then proceed to go shopping for the ingredients.

2 - Shopping

Eating healthy may seem expensive but it actually is way cheaper than eating out. You don't necessarily need to go non-GMO, all organic with your purchases either. Organics are worth looking into though but I won't go into that here (google "Monsanto"). You want to primarily stick to the edges of the grocery store. Not saying you don't need to visit any of the inner aisles but the outer aisles usually contain all the fresh produce. Anything fresh needs refrigeration and thus the outer edge of most grocers keep their coolers there. It's just easier to run them there. I do visit the inner aisles for things like my condiments (Mrs Dash!), canned beans/tuna, brown rice or whole wheat pasta. All my proteins, veggies and eggs are around the outer edge of my local grocery store.

To make cooking easier, you could go with pre-cut or bagged ingredients. They're sometimes not as "fresh" as raw ingredients but it does save a bunch of time. Pre-cut meats and fish are usually also available in the meat or seafood department.

Here is an example of what I bought for my most recent meal prep:
  • Two 1lb packages of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • Two packages w/ 2 salmon fillets each
  • Two cod fillets
  • Two ground salmon jalapeno burgers
  • Container of pre-cut melon
  • A dozen brown eggs
  • Two heads of broccoli
  • One bunch of collard greens
  • One package of pre-cut matchstick carrots
  • One package pre-marinated asparagus
  • One medium sweet potato
  • One 14oz can of unsalted black beans

3 - Prep

My prep is fairly simple. I usually don't marinate anything, I just season as I cook. If you want better tasting meals, you can cut your meats (tenderize if needed), season them in a ziplock bag and refridgerate them. This helps the meat turn out more juicy and flavorful. It does require a little more foresight and time however. I like to use low sodium options to season my meals. Lower sodium diets help prevent cardiovascualar disease, high cholesterol and obesity. Sodium is important for fluid regulation and other bodily functions. So you want to still keep sodium in your diet. My low sodium seasonings are any flavor of Mrs Dash and Braggs Liquid Aminos. Mrs Dash can be found almost anywhere but I can only find Liquid Aminos are more "natural" grocers like Whole Foods or Sprouts.

I just cut my meats and sprinkle Mrs Dash all over them before baking/pan-frying them. I don't add anything to my veggies except maybe some minced garlic while steaming. For the carbs, I add cinnamon to my oats or sweet potatoes. Everything else is pretty plain.

If you are just starting out with meal prep, I find it totally acceptable to sneak in some more conventional condiments with your food. Not everyone can just eat a bunch of steamed broccoli plain. I suggest trying to see if you can just use the Liquid Aminos or Mrs Dash with them. Test it out with a single serving before prepping a bunch of meals that you don't like and won't eat. If it still isn't enough, try to add a light amount of butter or ranch or whatever you need. In my opinion, it's still better than eating a side of french fries. Gradually try to wean yourself away from the unhealthy condiments though.

4 - Cook

Cooking is the fun part! Cleaning dishes is the not-so-fun part lol. I generally grab everything out of the fridge and stack it on some counter space. I am not a Cordon Bleu graduate line chef. I'm just you're average guy so the order that I do things may not be the most efficient but it seems to work.

A - Bake: Baking things usually take the longest so I like to pre-heat the oven while I'm pulling ingredients out of the fridge. I like fish a lot and the easiest way to cook it is to bake it. Sometimes I bake chicken or sweet potatoes too. In this example, I had plenty of fish. I placed foil on a flat pan, greased it will non-stick and then placed my fish down on it. For salmon there's no need to remove the skin, it comes off easier when cooked. Sprinkle whatever seasoning you need on it & place in the oven. I cook it at about 350 degrees, which is low. But I will be busy doing other things so I don't need the fish done right away.

B - Skillet/Grill: Stuff that is pan-fried usually requires a little bit of cutting. After I get the baked stuff started in the oven, I go to prep stuff for the pan. Things that I normally pan fry are any type of burger, chunked meat, tofu or ground meat. In this example, I had some salmon jalapeno burgers and chicken to cook. So I opened the package of chicken, cut away a bit of the excess fat and sliced it into chunks. In place of using a skillet, I could use a few "Foreman grills". I used to do that but cleaning the ones I have is a nightmare. Usually the meat I buy is really lean anyway, so I'm not too worried about fat drippings. A good replacement for pan frying is grilling. Right now I lack a grill but a propane grill is easy to get going fast (although I do like charcoal better, sorry Hank Hill).

Once cut, I fired up two burners & greased two skillets. I placed the salmon burgers in one & the chunked chicken in another. The burgers already had seasoning so I only threw Mrs Dash onto the chicken. I cook them on medium since again, I will be doing other things and not exclusively watching them.

C - Steam: Vegetables don't take long to steam so I save them for last. Plus they are low maintenance since they just sit in a pot. This allows me to check on the baked items and stir/flip the skillet/grill items simultaneously. I'm not super particular about my food touching so I use a large stock pot with a colander to steam all my veggies at once. I place the colander at the bottom of the pot. Fill it with water up to just below the colander. Place on the stove with the lid on and heat high. In this case I had collards, asparagus, broccoli and carrots. I threw the carrots in first since they were pre-cut. I washed and ripped the collards into smaller pieces and placed into the pot (w/out the stalk). Cut the asparagus and broccoli into small chunks and place into pot too. Leave covered. Once the water gets boiling, I like to drop the heat down to medium. I like my veggies slightly crunchy so I leave them in for about 10 minutes. Adjust time based on your needs.

D - Boil: This step usually includes whatever random stuff I may need to prep. Snacks and other odd bits that would be be convenient to have already cooked get done here. In this example I cracked open my can of black beans and cooked that. After that was done, I boiled about six eggs to keep in the fridge. I had some already baked sweet potato left over from last weeks meal prep so I pulled that out here. During this step I usually have the fish done, finish up any grilling and start looking for my tupperware containers.

5 - Plate

A cheap tupperware set costs only a few bucks from almost anywhere. I like to get a few sets that all use the same top so it's easy to match them. I use a set of medium size bowls so I can fit an entire meal into one. While everything is finishing and/or cooling off, I lay out a number of empty containers.

Once I have everything laid out, I grab my various protein sources and start "plating" them into different containers. I try to switch it up and not place 4 containers of fish right next to one another. Spread it out so you get a variety of different food. This also helps prevent you from getting too "tired" of eating the same thing all the time.

After plating my protein sources, I move into plating my carb sources. Due to my diet, I have way fewer carb sources than veggies so I like to spread those out before handling the vegetables. I have carbs in 2-3 meals per day so I plate that first and space them off. The veggie steam pot gets moved over and then I add veggies to the remaining containers that do not contain carbs.

Once plated, I like to let the food cool a bit before placing the tops on them and moving to the fridge. Anything that is leftover, I place into other tupperware and use that for dinner or my next meal prep.

Tips / Advice

  • Start slow. Do not attempt to prep an entire weeks worth of meals off the bat. Try to monitor your existing meals or eating out while introducing your prepped meals slowly. Maybe prep lunch or breakfast for a few days to start out. Once you have the routine down and have figured out what you like, step it up and prep more meals. Get comfortable with the process.
  • Meal Prep does take some time but as you get more familiar with doing it, you become faster. I can knock out about 12-14 meals w/ leftovers in under an hour now. Find a balance that includes speed, efficiency and taste.
  • Protein, veggies, and carbs are the three basic things I need. Often times I just "wing it" and head to the store after work and pickup my raw ingredients.
  • Make sure you switch it up often and try other combinations of food so you don't get tired of meal prep.
  • I introduce 1-2 "cheat" meals or semi-cheat meals into my meal prep. For this example it was the salmon jalapeno burgers. There is salt and cheese packed in the burger patty so it's not totally "healthy". It's really tasty and I like it though. It gives me something to look forward to.
  • Save fridge space! Prepped meals take up a bit of space, so clear out the fridge. Be mindful of roommates or significant others.
  • Look for inspirations on social media or blogs (like this one!) for ideas and techniques.

Check back for additional advice and browse our posts regularly for ideas on workouts and nutrition. Good luck!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 5

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 5

Equipment Used:
  • An adjustable resistance band or a few bands w/ varying resistance
  • A pull-up bar, free-standing pole, or something similar
  • Optional:Timer

Circuit #5

  1. Bicep Curls
  2. Tricep Extensions
  3. Chest Flys
  4. Overhead Press
  5. Lateral Raise
  6. Standing Back Rows
  7. Rear Delt Flys
  8. Good Mornings
  9. Squats
  10. Static Lunge
  11. Reverse Ab Crunch
  12. Oblique Twist
  13. Kneeling Crunch

Circuit #5 - Resistance Bands

We are always looking to challenge ourselves with new styles of working out. A couple of us have been doing strict body weight, "street-style" workouts and gradually incorporated resistance band work into that. I initially always thought that resistance band work was for all the older seniors at the gym but was surprised at how well it works. They key is to ensure you have access to a set of bands that are of varying resistance and possibly different lengths. The bands are also convenient for our workouts because they are easier to carry around than dumbbells.

The bands promote use of many stabilization muscles. Resistance is constant throughout the exercise which challenges you more than a traditional dumbbell workout. The way to get the most out of reps is to focus on form and maintaining a smooth line of movement. Also be sure to squeeze the target muscle group and focus on flexing it during the movement.

Be wary of certain exercises. If you are not mindful of your setup, you may find a band snapping back at your face! Always double check your mount points. This circuit can be done in a living room, garage, pretty much anywhere that has a stable place to loop the band around. Even if you are lacking a good mount point, many of the exercises have multiple variations that can be done w/out a mount.

The circuit covers most major muscle groups, targeting each one w/ 2-3 exercises. We are using a timer to keep track of sets or doing certain exercises to failure. There are more exercises in this circuit than usual but you can super set several of them together if you want to shorten the time taken to complete it. The bands are fast to setup and easy to transition between so time shouldn't be an issue.

1 - Bicep Curls
Video Example
Stand on the band w/ your feet shoulder width apart. Have your hands down at your sides. The band should start tension as soon as you begin to raise your hands (adjust band accordingly). With your palms facing up/out, begin to curl.
Optional: You can perform hammer curls by keeping your palms facing in.
Optional: You can flip your palms down and work your forearms during this too.
Optional: This can be done seated as well. Adjust band length and use foot to keep band stable.
2 - Tricep Extensions
Video Example
Stand with one leg slightly back from your body. Have your band under the back foot. Grab the band handles behind your head and your arms at ninety degrees. Extend your arms upward to complete extensions.
Optional: If you have an overhead mount point (i.e. pull-up bar), you can wrap the band around that, lean forward w/ and perform extensions.
3 - Chest Flys
Video Example
Loop band around a pole (or other mounting point, i.e. doorknob). Face away from the pole. Extend your arms out horizontally and step away from the mount point a few paces until the band is taut. Have your palms facing out and away from you. Keep your arms extended and rotate your arms in front of you. Flex your chest as you complete reps.
Optional: You can bend your arms ninety degrees, while still keeping them horizontal (i.e. push-up position). Push forward and flex your chest to perform reps.
4 - Overhead Press
Video Example
Stand on the band w/ your feet shoulder width apart. Have your arms at ninety degrees w/ your hands up by your head. The band should start tension as soon as you begin to raise your arms (adjust band accordingly). Press your arms into the air above your head.
Optional: You can alternately kneel on the band.
5 - Lateral Raise
Video Example
Stand on the band w/ your feet shoulder width apart. Have your hands down at your sides. The band should start tension as soon as you begin to raise your hands (adjust band accordingly). With your palms facing down, raise your arms to the horizontal position.
Optional: You can alternately kneel on the band.
Optional: You can perform this exercise one arm at a time or simultaneously.
Optional: You can raise your arms at your sides or straight in front of you.
6 - Standing Back Rows
Video Example
Loop band around a pole (or other mounting point, i.e. doorknob). Face the pole. Step away from the mount point a few paces until the band is taut. Start with your arm slightly outstretched. Have your palms facing in and pull your arms back until your elbows are behind you. Keep your elbows close to your sides and bend your arms at ninety degrees.
Optional: You can alternately perform this seated. Loop the band around your feet w/ your legs stretched out.
Optional: An alternate grip is to have your arms out horizontally and bent at ninety degrees. Palms down.
7 - Rear Delt Flys
Video Example
Loop band around a pole (or other mounting point, i.e. doorknob). Face the pole. Step away from the mount point a few paces until the band is almost taut. Start with your arm outstretched horizontally in front of you. Have your palms facing in. Rotate your arms toward your back, squeezing while performing reps.
Optional: You can wrap the band around the pole a few times if you need more resistance.
Optional: Instead of looping the band around a pole, you can simply grab the band with two hands and perform reps.
8 - Good Mornings
Video Example
Loop band around your neck and place both your feet into each handle. The band should be taut when you stand up straight. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist, keeping your back straight, bowing toward the ground. Keep your chin up, bend slightly at the knees and push your butt out as you bend. Straighten back to a vertical position to complete the rep.
9 - Squats
Video Example
Stand on the band w/ your feet shoulder width apart. Have your arms at ninety degrees w/ your hands up by your head. The band should be taut. While maintaining your hands by your head, squat down by bending at the knee and sticking your butt out and down.
10 - Static Lunge
Video Example
Loop band around your neck and place one foot into both handles. The band should be taut when you stand up straight. Place the foot that is in the handles a full step forward. Your other leg should be a step backward. Bend the knee on the back leg toward the ground. Your front leg will slightly bend at the knee as well. Keep the majority of your weight on your front leg. Be sure to switch feet after one leg is finished doing reps.
11 - Reverse Ab Crunch
Video Example
Loop band around your neck and place one foot into each handle. Lean back slightly and hold the sides of the flat bench. Place your legs together and extend them out in front of the end of the bench. Perform reps by bending your knees and pulling them in toward your chest while leaning forward. Release by leaning back into starting position and extending your legs back out.
Optional: Loop band around the pole, facing pole and place your feet into the handles. Perform same motion but scoot back far enough so the band is taut.
***Note: Video Example not exactly as described above.
12 - Oblique Twist
Video Example
Loop band around a pole (or other mounting point, i.e. doorknob). Loop one handle through the other one and tighten it. Only one handle should be usable. Step away from the mount point until the band is taut. Stand w/ your feet shoulder width apart, parallel to the pole w/ your arms chest height and outstretched. While keeping your arms locked out straight, twist at the waist so your torso faces away from the pole.
13 - Kneeling Crunch
Video Example
If you have an overhead mount point (i.e. pull-up bar), loop the band around that. Get on your knees facing the mount. Grasping both handles, place your hands together beside your head w/ your arms bent at ninety degrees. You should be leaning forward slightly. The band should be taut, move away from the mount point if it is not. Keep your hips stationary and bend your waist so that your bent elbows travel toward your knees.
Optional: An alternate grip is to place your hands behind your head.
***Note: Do not move your arms during this movement. They should remain fixed in place.

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Workout: Street Workout 1

Workout: Street Workout 1

Equipment Used:
  • Pair of gardening gloves
  • Park Area w/ Pull-Ups bars, Monkey bars, various other bars
  • Optional: Set of tow chains or weighted vest
  • Highly recommended:Water source / Shade
Tip: This workout is outside, designed for a park with some space & some basic equipment. Scout out parks near you.
*** Locations of parks that we frequent that have bar equipment is at the bottom of the page.

Street Workout #1

  1. Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
  2. Muscle-Ups
  3. L-Sits
  4. Toe-To-Bar
  5. Windshield Wipers
  6. Human Flag
  7. Planche
  8. Dips
  9. Monkey Bar Suicides
  10. Back Lever
  11. Front Lever
  12. Handstand Push-Up

Street Workout #1

This workout is designed to try and build functional upper body strength while learning the basic skills necessary to perform advanced calisthenic movements. Many of these exercises take more than just raw strength and instead require a high degree of technique. Once the technique is perfected any additional strength will help progress you into advanced versions of each exercise. The key here is to slowly master the "progression". A progression is a series of exercises designed to prepare you for an advanced, and usually very difficult, exercise. This is very different and separate from the usual circuits we post and may not be for everybody. It is a fun alternative to hitting the gym and/or track daily. Some of these techniques are used heavily in crossfit/parkour workouts too. Give these a try to diversify your workouts. I guarantee that once you see improvement or master a few basic skills, you will be hooked and want to perfect more. Good luck!


  1. Modified Horizontal Rows (knees bent)
  2. Horizontal Rows
  3. Flexed Arm Hang
  4. Slow Release Chin-Up
  5. Chin-Ups
  6. Assisted Pull-Ups
  1. Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups
  2. Jump into Muscle-Up
  3. Kip Practice (large swing)
  1. Parallel Bar Push-Ups (hands near hips)
  2. Bent Knee Holds (attempt to push hips fwd)
  3. Side-To-Sides
  4. Scoots (fwd and back)
  1. Bent Knee Raises
  2. Hanging Leg Raises
  3. Knees to Elbow
Windshield Wipers
  1. Hold Pike (toes pointing up, above bar)
  2. Hanging Leg Raises (half and full)
  3. Hanging Side Curl (bent knee)
  4. Hanging L-Twist
  5. Modified Wipers (bent knees)
Human Flag
  1. Form Hold, slighty off ground
  2. Form Hold, knee bent parallel to ground
  3. Form Hold, straight leg vertical
  4. Form Hold, straight leg vertical w/ negative lower
  1. Master L-Sit progression
  2. L-Sit w/ tucked knees
  3. Rock back into Crow
  4. Crow kicks (single and dual)
  5. Tucked Planche Hold
  6. Tucked Planche Push-Ups
  7. Elevated Planche Push-Ups (feet)
  1. Bench dips
  2. Elevated bench dips (one or both feet)
  3. Parallel bar dips w/ feet on bar
  4. Negative dips (jump up, lower slow)
  5. Negative holds (lower slow then hold)
Monkey Bar Suicides
  1. Master Pull-Up progression
  2. Perform reps until failure
Back Lever
  1. Skin the cat (bent knee)
  2. Skin the cat (piked)
  3. Lever w/ Knees tucked
  4. Lever w/ legs wide
Front Lever
  1. Hanging Lifts (knee, knee to chest, straight leg)
  2. Toe-To-Bar progression w/ no kip/swing
  3. Torso Raises
  4. Torso Raises (bent knee, legs straight)
  5. Lever lifts
Handstand Push-Up
  1. Master Regular Push-Ups
  2. Pike Push-Ups
  3. Pike Push-Ups w/ elevated feet
  4. Handstands against wall


1 - Pull-Up/Chin-Up: Video Example
2 - Muscle-Up Tutorial: Video Example
3 - L-Sit: Video Example
4 - Toe-To-Bar: Video Example
5 - Windshield Wipers: Video Example
6 - Human Flag: Video Example
7 - Planche: Video Example
8 - Dips: Video Example
9 - Monkey Bar Suicides: Video Example
10 - Back Lever: Video Example
11 - Front Lever: Video Example
12 - Handstand Push-Up Progression: Video Example

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Local Austin Parks

Brentwood Park
6710 Arroyo Seco Austin, TX 78757
This park has two separate areas of bars. One area has pull-up bars of 6 varying heights. The other area has dip bars, monkey bars and a push-up area. No trails but a large grassy field and basketball court.
ACC Northridge Campus
11928 Stonehollow Dr Austin, TX 78758
One large area in front of the school with all the equipment you need. No trails.
Mueller Lake Park
4550 Mueller Blvd Austin, TX, 78723
This park only has two medium height pull-up bars and equipment for sit-ups. Several miles of trails.
Riata Park
12401 Riata Trace Austin, TX 78727
A couple high pull-up bars and gradually rising parallel bars. Approx one mile trail.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Music: Power Songs October 1st

Music: Power Songs October 1st

Some song suggestions to hype up your workouts, Enjoy!!!

1 - I Don't Even Like You - Eva Simons

2 - Die Young - Ke$ha

3 - Around My Way - Lupe Fiasco

4 - Watch You ft Pitbull and The Disco Fries - Clinton Sparks

5 - Louis XIII ft King T and Tha Alkaholiks - Xzibit

Nutrition: Black Bean Pancakes

Nutrition: Black Bean Pancakes


  • 1-2 scoop of vanilla/chocolate protein powder *
  • 1/3 cup of drained, unsalted black beans **
  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon of dark cocoa powder
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/3 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk ***
Substitution Items
  • * I suggest sticking with vanilla/chocolate protein because flavors like "Tropical Punch" taste weird in a pancake.
  • ** If you don't like beans, replace with Whole Wheat Flour
  • *** You can use soy/dairy milk if you wish


  1. Add 1-2 scoops of Vanilla or Chocolate Protein Powder to a mixing bowl.
    *** I use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey - Extreme Milk Chocolate flavor.
  2. Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder
  3. Add a tablespoon of dark cocoa powder
  4. Add 1/3 cup of drained, unsalted black beans
  5. Add 1 egg white
  6. Add a 1/3 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
    ***Optional: Unsweetened coconut flakes
    ***Optional: A couple pinches of Stevia
    ***Optional: Ground psyllium powder for extra fiber
  7. Blend all ingredients well
  8. Heat a pan coated in olive oil or non-stick spray
  9. Cook pancakes using your normal method
  10. Makes about 3 large, thin pancakes
  11. Enjoy.


Black beans are high in fiber, protein, vitamin B6 and antioxidants. When eaten with brown rice, its a complete protein and extremely useful for vegetarians. The pancakes hold together well and taste like normal flour pancakes. If you like your pancakes sweet be sure to add Stevia. You can also alternately play with your black bean to flour ratio.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Workout: Abdominal Workout 1

Workout: Abdominal Workout 1

Equipment Used:
  • Balance/Stability Ball
  • Soft ground area / Yoga Mat
  • Flat Bench / Flat Surface
  • A light, medium and heavy dumbbell
  • Highly recommended:Medicine Ball (weighted)

Abdominal Workout #1

Get Fab Abs!!!
Everyone wants that flat stomach but the icing on the cake is to build up a set of defined ab muscles. The expression "Abs are made in the kitchen" is very true however. No matter how much ab work you put in, if you are not down to a certain body fat percentage, your abs won't show. So make sure to diet properly so that your nutrition doesn't cover your six pack with a layer of fat.

This circuit is comprised of all ab exercises to help build up that six pack. Working your abs/core is different than building up other muscle groups. Abs in general have a quicker recovery period that other muscles so we want to limit our rests between sets. You also want to make sure to focus on form and breathing. Perform the exercises deliberately engaging your core and flexing your abs. Make sure to engage your abs on the negative of each exercise too. Squeeze those abs and breathe out at the peak of each exercise rep. You're only cheating yourself if you only put in half-hearted reps!

  1. Walk Outs
  2. V-Ups
  3. Oblique Crunches
  4. Bench Knee Raises
  5. Plank Superset
  6. Scissor Kick into Bicycles Superset
  7. Squat Thrusts into High Knee Superset
Stretch / Warmup
Loosen your muscles (both upper/lower body). Stretch out and hydrate.

1 - Walk Outs
Click For Video Example
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist and roll down until your fingertips touch the floor in front of your toes. Walk your hands forward, keeping your feet stationary, as you release the bend in your back. Walk until your legs are lowered and your arms are in pushup position, then reverse directions. Walk your hands back to starting position. Repeat 5-10 reps for 3 sets. Optional: You can start on your knees instead of on your feet.
2 - V-Ups
Video Example
Lie supine with hands on floor over head. Hold a stability ball with your feet. Simultaneously raise straight legs and torso. Reach toward raised feet and grab the stability ball. Return to starting position but hold the ball with your hands instead of feet. Repeat the motion but when your reach toward your legs, place the ball back in between your feet. Repeat for as many reps as possible for 3 sets. Optional: If the stability ball is too hard, you can leave it out & just reach for your feet each rep.
Optional: If the stability ball is too easy, use a slightly weighted stability ball or medicine ball.
3 - Oblique Crunches
Video Example
Sit on the stability ball and walk your feet out and spreading them as wide as you can. As wide as you feel comfortable with your hips and bring your hands up behind your head. You're going to alternate twisting from side to side trying to bring the elbow up towards the opposite thigh or knee. Each time that you come back, you want to come back as deep as you can so that your shoulder blades will touch the edge of the ball each time. Get the full range of motion coming through and focus on squeezing those obliques each rep. Repeat for at least 15 reps each side for 3 sets.
4 - Bench Knee Raises
Video Example
Sit near the end of a flat surface (flat bench or similar). Lean back slightly and hold the sides of the flat bench. Place your legs together and extend them out in front of the end of the bench. Perform reps by bending your knees and pulling them in toward your chest while leaning forward. Release by leaning back into starting position and extending your legs back out. Repeat 15+ reps for 3 sets.
5 - Plank Superset
A - Plank
Click For Video Example
Drop down onto a soft ground surface. Get face down to the ground, resting on the forearms w/ palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, raising onto your toes and rest on your elbows. Keep your back flat and form a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds to complete a rep. Lower onto your knees to rest. Move into Side Planks immediately after.
B - Side Plank
Click For Video Example
Still on the ground, turn to the side. Lift your body off the ground and balance on one forearm and the side of your foot. Contract your abdominals and relax your shoulders. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds to complete a rep. Then switch sides & hold again for an equal amount of time. Repeat the entire superset 3 times.
6 - Scissor Kick into Bicycles Superset
A - Scissor Kick
Click For Video Example
Find a soft surface and lie down. Tilt your head forward so it is slighty off the ground. Place your hands under your butt to support your lower back. Raise both your feet off the ground a few inches w/ your legs out straight. Now raise your left leg to a 45 degree angle while leaving the right leg out straight. Lower the left leg, keep it straight and then raise the opposite leg 45 degrees. Repeat and alternate to perform reps. After completing reps, move into Ab Bicycles. Perform at least 10 kicks per leg.
B - Bicycles
Click For Video Example
In the same lying position as flutter kicks, place both hands behind your raised head. We will instead bring your left knee in toward right elbow and attempt to make them touch. Keep your right leg out straight. Return to the start position & perform a rep w/ the other leg. Repeat and alternate to complete multiple reps. Perform at least 15 cycles, focusing on form and then repeat the entire superset at least 3 times.
7 - Squat Thrusts into High Knee Superset
A - Squat Thrusts
Video Example
Get down on the ground into a push-up position. To perform a rep you want to bring both feet simultaneously toward your hands by bending your legs and "jumping" your feet forward. Once forward, jump both feet back so that you return to your original push-up position. Perform at least 10 thrusts and then move onto high knees. leg.
B - High Knee
Click For Video Example
Get into a standing position with feet shoulder width apart. You want to start running in place but bringing your knees very high, at least up to the start of your torso. At the same time, take your elbows and alternate bringing them down to meet the opposite knee (right elbow to left raised knee then left elbow to right raised knee). Perform high knees for at least 20 seconds (or until too fatigued). Repeat the entire superset at least 3 times.

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nutrition: Veggie Quiche

Nutrition: Veggie Quiche


  • 2 Pre-Made Pie Crust
  • 1 cup chopped Faux Chicken *
  • 1/2 head of broccoli (chopped)
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 handful of green onions (chopped)
  • 2 carrot (grated)
  • 2 tbsp minced garlic
  • About 9 eggs
  • 1 cup Soy Cheese **
  • 1 cup Goat Cheese ***
  • Optional: 1/2 cup non-dairy milk (soy, almond, etc)
  • Optional: 1 tbsp Flour
Substitution Items
  • * Can substitute in cooked firm tofu or even real meat (ground beef/turkey, cubed/shredded chicken, etc.)
    We use stuff like this
  • ** Can use real cheese here but we use this.
  • *** Can leave this out but the quiche seems to hold together better leaving it in


  1. Look at the pie-crust instructions and pre-heat oven to that temperature. Pre-cook crust for 12 minutes.
  2. Cook your faux meat, tofu or real meat until its done. Chop/cube it into smaller pieces.
    *** Can season to your liking with Mrs Dash, Creole seasoning, salt, etc. We just sautee with garlic & little Mrs Dash.
  3. Heat a large skillet with some olive oil.
  4. Add the green onions and garlic. Cook for a few minutes.
  5. Now add your chopped broccoli and grated carrots. Cook for about 5 minutes until the veggies go a little soft. Stir often.
  6. During the last minute of cooking, stir in some spinach. Continue cooking until the spinach wilts.
  7. Remove the skillet from heat. Add in your chopped faux meat, soy cheese and goat cheese. Stir the mixture.
  8. Scoop spoonfuls of the mixture into your pie crusts until they are full (you may have leftover, just eat it).
  9. Crack open your eggs into a bowl and whisk.
    *** Can season to your liking with Mrs Dash, Creole seasoning, salt, etc. We leave it plain though.
  10. Slowly pour the eggs into each pie crust until the mixture within the crust is saturated with eggs (careful not to spill).
  11. Bake at about 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until you see the quiche is set.
  12. Once finished, set the quiche out for about 5 mintues to cool before diving in.
  13. Enjoy.


The recipe is very simple and tastes great. It also requires very little prep time and can be done in a hurry if you have pre-cut veggies. It reheats well but is also good as cold leftovers. Since it has a pie crust, you can eat a slice on-the-go with no utensils (watch out for crumbs though).

Monday, August 6, 2012

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 4

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 4

Equipment Used:
  • Timer
  • One pair of dumbbells
  • Soft ground area for push-ups/sit-ups
  • Park Bench or flat area of similar height
  • Optional: Slightly lighter weight pair of dumbbells
  • Highly recommended:Water source / Shade
Tip: This workout is outside, designed for a park with some space & some basic equipment. Scout out parks near you.
*** Directions to the park we use is at the bottom of the page. (Mueller Lake Park)
Tip: At least here in Texas, it's hot as hell outside. Bring water and snack bars to keep your energy up. As always, drink plenty of water and get sufficient rest.

Circuit #4

  1. Walking Lunges into Push-Up Superset
  2. High Knees into Bent Over Rows Superset
  3. Burpees
  4. Bicep Curls into Wall Sit Superset
  5. Tricep Kickbacks into Plank Superset
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Squats into Shoulder Press Superset
  8. Reverse Ab Crunch into Reverse Fly Superset
  9. Squat Jumps
  10. Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups
  11. Optional: Relay Runs
  12. Optional: 1-2 mile warm down run/walk

Circuit #4 - HIIT Style

We kept with the high-intensity style workout but tried to balance muscle groups better. Each superset should contain at least two groups to allow you to hit it harder. Instead of counting reps, we use a countdown timer and try to burn out as many reps as possible in the allotted time.

For supersets, perform as many reps as possible for the 1st exercise in 30 seconds. Without rest, move onto the next exercise in the superset and knock out reps of that for 30 seconds. That will complete one "set". Rest 30 seconds and repeat for two more sets. Be sure to drop weight and/or exercise difficulty level if you find it hard to complete reps the entire time. The main focus is to be actively working the entire time period and not rest.

For the compound movements (#3/6/9), perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Again, you want to be moving the entire time so even if you get fatigued, keep moving and perform the exercise in a slower, more deliberate fashion. Focusing on form.

The exercises used are a reconfiguration of previous circuits so you can review those posts for more detail on each. A quick list of video examples are provided below to refresh your memory on any exercises.


Walking Lunges: Video Example
Push-Up: Click For Video Example
High Knees: Click For Video Example
Bent Over Rows: Click For Video Example
Burpees: Click For Video Example
Bicep Curls: Video Example
Wall Sit: Click For Video Example
Tricep Kickbacks: Click For Video Example
Plank: Click For Video Example
Mountain Climbers: Click For Video Example
Squats: Click For Video Example
Shoulder Press: Click For Video Example
Reverse Ab Crunch: Click For Video Example
Reverse Fly: Click For Video Example
Squat Jumps: Click For Video Example
Pull-Ups: Video Example (Assisted)

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

The closest intersection is at the edge of the park.
Map to the following intersection:
Simond Ave & Mattie St, Austin TX 78723
  • Head South on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward 51st Street
  • Merge onto I-35 Frontage Rd
  • Turn left onto E 51st St
  • Turn right onto Mueller Blvd
    *** Once on Mueller, Seton Hospital will be to your right
  • At the traffic circle, make a left onto Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street
  • Head North on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward Airport Blvd (237A)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Airport Blvd S/TX-111 Loop E and merge onto TX-111 Loop S/Airport Blvd
  • Turn left onto Aldrich St
    *** Should be first major stoplight
  • At the traffic circle, continue straight to stay on Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 3

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 3

Equipment Used:

  • Timer
  • One pair of dumbbells
  • Soft ground area for push-ups/sit-ups
  • Park Bench or flat area of similar height
  • Optional: Slightly lighter weight pair of dumbbells/li>
  • Optional: Pull-Up bars
  • Highly recommended: Water source / Shade

Tip: This workout is outside, designed for a park with some space & some basic equipment. Scout out parks near you.
*** Directions to the park we use are at the bottom of the page. (Mueller Lake Park)

Tip: At least here in Texas, it's hot as hell outside. Bring water and snack bars to keep your energy up. As always, drink plenty of water and get sufficient rest.

Circuit #3 - HIIT Style

"Superset to make 'em sweat!!!"
The circuit has been getting stale so we decided to switch things up and go for a more high-intensity style workout. Instead of counting reps, we use a countdown timer and try to burn out as many reps as possible in the allotted time.

For supersets, perform as many reps as possible for the 1st exercise in 15 seconds. Without rest, move onto the next exercise in the superset and knock out reps of that for 15 seconds. That will complete one "set". Rest 30 seconds and repeat for two more sets. Be sure to drop weight and/or exercise difficulty level if you find it hard to complete reps the entire time. The main focus is to be actively working the entire time period and not rest.

For the compound movements (#3/6/9), perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Again, you want to be moving the entire time so even if you get fatigued, keep moving and perform the exercise in a slower, more deliberate fashion. Focusing on

*** INTENSITY TIP: If you find the circuit too easy initially, make sure you are doing the weighted and/or most advanced version of each exercise. If you already are then increase the length within the superset to 30 seconds per exercise but do not increase the rest time. So do 30 seconds of part "A" and then immediately into 30 seconds of part "B". You can also optionally increase the time spent compound movements up to one full minute. BEAST MODE: ON


  1. Seated Bicep Curls into Reverse Flys
  2. High Knees into Shoulder Press
  3. Burpees
  4. Bent Over Rows into Triceps Kickbacks
  5. Static Lunges into Wall Sit
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Push-Ups into Plank
  8. Lying Kicks/Bicycles into Chest Press/Fly
  9. Squat Jumps (or Box Jumps/Step-Ups)
  10. Optional: Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups
  11. Optional: 1-2 mile warm down run/walk

Stretch / Warm-up
Loosen your muscles (both upper/lower body). Stretch out and hydrate.

1 - Seated Bicep Curls into Reverse Flys Superset
A - Seated Bicep Curls
Click For Video Example
Get seated on a park bench or similarly raised flat area. Grab one dumbbell and lean over slightly with your legs open wide. Place your arm with the dumbbell inside of your leg with the back of your elbow resting against your inner thigh. Start completing reps of curls. After 15 seconds, grab your other dumbbell and immediately start Reverse Flys.
B - Reverse Flys
Click For Video Example
After completing your curls, remain seated on the bench. Grab your other dumbbell, place your legs tightly together and scoot up to the edge of the bench. Lean all the way over until your chest is touching your legs. Start with your dumbbells under your legs and complete reps of reverse flys. Complete as many reps as you can for the remaining 15 seconds.
C - Rest 30 seconds
Repeat the entire superset at least three times w/ rest in between sets.

2 - High Knees into Shoulder Press Superset
A - High Knees
Click For Video Example
With no weights in hand but nearby, stand up straight w/ your feet shoulder-width apart. Begin an exaggerated in-place run, making sure to bring your knees as high as possible into your torso area. Maintain this running motion for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, bend down and grab your weights, moving into Shoulder Presses.
B - Shoulder Press
Click For Video Example
After completing your high knees, grab your weights and remain standing. Move the dumbbells into position near your head with your arms bent at a 90 degree angle facing upward. We will push the dumbbells upward into the sky until they touch at the top to perform a rep. Knock out as many reps as you can for 15 seconds.
C - Rest 30 seconds
Repeat the entire superset at least three times w/ minimal rest in between sets.

3 - Burpees
Click For Video Example
Stand up with feet shoulder-width apart and plenty of clear space around you. With no weights in hand we want to first drop down from a standing position into a crouched position. Knees bent and your hands on the ground and a little more than shoulder width apart. While crouched, kick both legs back and have your legs rest on your toes so that you're in a push-up position. Perform one push-up.
Bring your legs back toward your hands and scoot your feet forward so that you are crouching again. Now stand up quickly and push your body to jump off the ground a few inches. Stretch your arms into the sky as you jump. This completes a rep. When you land, start into the burpee motions again. Repeat as many reps as possible within 30 seconds. This completes a set. Rest 30 seconds and repeat. Knock out at least three sets w/ minimal rest between sets.

4 - Bent Over Rows into Triceps Kickbacks Superset
A - Bent Over Rows
Click For Video Example
Stand with your feet fairly close together. Bend your knees slightly and bend over at a 45 degree angle with your back straight. Grasp your dumbbells with wide overhand grip and place them close together, hanging down in front of you. Pull your arms back and pull your dumbbells up toward your shoulders. Since you are bent over and have the dumbbells overhand, your elbows should bow out away from your body at about 90 degrees. Keep bending your elbows until they pass the angle created by your back. Return to starting position to complete a rep. Complete as many reps as possible within 15 seconds then start Triceps Kickbacks.
B - Triceps Kickbacks
Click For Video Example
Stand in the same bent over position as you would for Rows. This time start with your elbows tucked in close to your body and your arms bent upward. Your weights should rest near your shoulders in a position similar to having ski poles tucked under your armpit. To perform a rep you want to slowly swing both weights around, downward and then back until both warms are fully extended and slightly behind our backs. Return to starting position to complete a rep. Perform as many reps as possible in the remaining 15 seconds.
C - Rest 30 seconds
Repeat the entire superset at least three times w/ minimal rest in between sets.

5 - Static Lunges into Wall Sit Superset
A - Static Lunges
Click For Video Example
Stand with one foot forward and the other one back, about 3ft apart. You can optionally hold dumbbells in each hand to make it more challenging. Bend your knees to lower your body toward the ground. Your rear knee should touch (or come close to) the ground. Your front knee should bend but make sure it doesn't move in front of your toes. Once lowered, push through your front heel to return to the raised position and make sure to keep your torso straight. Perform as many lunges as you can for 15 seconds.
B - Wall Sit
Click For Video Example
Find a wall, pole or other vertical surface, turn around and face your back to it. Push your hips, lower back and shoulders against a flat, vertical surface. Walk your feet out so that you can lower your body down until your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Push through your heels. You can have rest your hands behind your head, on your hips, at your sides or on your thighs. If the exercise is too hard, raise your legs so that they are slightly wider than 90 degrees. If the exercise is too easy, you can hold weights in one or both hands to increase difficulty. Hold for 15 seconds.
C - Rest 30 seconds
Repeat the entire superset at least three times w/ minimal rest in between sets. Alternate the rear leg each set for the lunges.

6 - Mountain Climbers
Click For Video Example
Get down into a push-up position. With your hands planted the entire time, bring one knee forward toward your chest and rest on the balls of your toes. To perform a rep, simultaneously pull your other knee toward your chest while kicking the leg with the bent knee backwards into a straight position. Essentially switching places. Repeat as many reps as possible within 30 seconds. This completes a set. Rest 30 seconds and repeat. Knock out at least three sets w/ minimal rest between sets.

7 - Push-Ups into Plank Superset
A - Push-Up
Click For Video Example
Find a soft area to kneel down. Get into the front leaning rest position w/ your legs extended. Start completing reps of push-ups. After 15 seconds, get back onto your knees and move immediately into the Plank.
B - Plank
Click For Video Example
After completing your push-ups, remain on the ground. Get face down to the ground, resting on the forearms w/ palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, rising onto your toes and rest on your elbows. Keep your back flat and form a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 15 seconds to finish the set.
C - Rest 30 seconds
Repeat the entire superset at least three times w/ minimal rest in between sets.

8 - Lying Kicks/Bicycles into Chest Press/Fly Superset
A - Lying Kicks/Bicycles
Click For Video Example
Find a soft surface and lie down. Tilt your head forward so it is slightly off the ground. Place your hands under your butt to support your lower back. Raise both your feet off the ground a few inches w/ your legs out straight. Now raise your left leg to a 45 degree angle while leaving the right leg out straight. Lower the left leg, keep it straight and then raise the opposite leg 45 degrees. Repeat and alternate to perform reps. Maintain reps for 15 seconds.
Optional: If you do not like flutter kicks, lie on your back and perform the following: Optional Video Example. In the same lying position as flutter kicks, place both hands behind your raised head. We will instead bring your left knee in toward right elbow and attempt to make them touch. Keep your right leg out straight. Return to the start position & perform a rep w/ the other leg. Repeat and alternate to complete multiple reps.
B - Chest Press/Fly
Click For Video Example
While still lying on the ground after your kicks/bicycles, grab two dumbbells. Lie flat on your back and place your arms at 90 degrees, holding the weights in the air. Press them upward and extend your arms straight until the weights touch. Then return to your 90 degree position. Perform as many reps as possible in the remaining 15 seconds.
Optional: If you prefer, you can lie on your back and perform the following: Optional Video Example. In the same position as chest presses you want to have your forearms at a 45 degree angle or lower with respect to the ground. Weights in hand you will bring both weights together over your chest, slowly swinging your arms up in a semi-circular motion. Return to the starting position to perform a rep.
*** Intensity Tip: With either the press or the fly, you can perform leg raises while doing your chest exercise to hit your abs simultaneously.
C - Rest 30 seconds
Repeat the entire superset at least three times w/ minimal rest in between sets. Alternate the rear leg each set for the lunges.

9 - Squat Jumps (or Box Jumps/Step-Ups)
Click For Video Example
Get into a standing squat position, feet a little bit more than shoulder-width apart. You will squat down, bending your knees and lowering your butt down as if sitting in a chair. Bend your arms and bring your hands upward and toward you as you squat. Once fully lowered, explode back up through a standing position. Pushing through your heels and jump off the ground while extending your arms over your head into the air. Repeat as many reps as possible within 30 seconds. This completes a set. Rest 30 seconds and repeat. Knock out at least three sets w/ minimal rest between sets.
Optional: If you don't like squat jumps or become fatigued before the set is complete, perform the following: Optional Video Example Find a sturdy, raised surface that can support your weight. Stand w/ feet shoulder-width apart. Jump onto the raised surface, pause a second and then either step, fall or jump back down. Repeat to perform reps.
Optional: If you can't do squat/box jumps or become fatigued before the set is complete, perform the following: Optional Video Example. Alternating each leg, step up onto the raised surface and then bring your trailing leg up beside it. Step down carefully with each leg and repeat.
*** Intensity Tip: If you find squat jumps to easy you can step it up by throwing in split squats between squat jump reps. You can view an example of how to do split squats here: Optional Video Example Like a squat jump, explode into the air but land in a lunge position with one leg to the rear and the corresponding knee close to the ground (do not touch the ground). Jump back into the air and alternate your rear leg. This completes a rep. Throw in a few reps of these between jump squats to mix things up.
*** Intensity Tip: If you find squat jumps to easy you can perform them with weights in hand. Since you have to carry weights, you may have to change your squat jump form to accommodate the weight and not hurt yourself. A common method to squat jump with weights is to perform a "Sumo" squat jump. An example can be found here: Optional Video Example You want to grab a dumbbell and hold it with both hands vertically by one end. Your legs should be more than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed slightly outward. Your arms should be fully extended downward in front of you, holding the weight centered. When you squat, attempt to touch the bottom of the weight to the ground while bending your knees and not your back. Try to stay upright as much as possible and don't bend over too much. Your legs should be doing the work. Touch the weight to the ground, push through your heels and then explode back up, jumping off the ground slightly. The height on your weighted sumo squat jump will be smaller than a normal squat jump.

10 - Optional Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups
Video Example (Assisted)
Find a set of pull-up bars (if none available, skip this exercise or perform Delt Rows off a park bench). Perform as many pull/chin-ups as you can un-assisted. If a workout partner or sturdy cooler is available, perform as many assisted pull/chin-ups as possible. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
Optional: If no pull-up bars are available, perform the following: Delt Rows Video Example
Optional: You can use a lower hanging pull-up bar and a sturdy cooler to perform assisted pull/chin-ups.
Optional: If you have a friend available, you can bend your knees and have a friend assist you by pulling up on your knees.

11 - Optional Run
If you're still up for it, either walk or jog a short 1/4 to 1/2 mile course around the park. Walk the entire route to cool down or if you're not tired yet, perform alternating sprints and jogs every 1/8 mile. Walk it out an extra 1/8 mile at the end to cool down after.
Optional: You can hit the sidewalk and follow it around for a 2 mile course.

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

The closest intersection is at the edge of the park.
Map to the following intersection:
Simond Ave & Mattie St, Austin TX 78723


  • Head South on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward 51st Street
  • Merge onto I-35 Frontage Rd
  • Turn left onto E 51st St
  • Turn right onto Mueller Blvd
    *** Once on Mueller, Seton Hospital will be to your right
  • At the traffic circle, make a left onto Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street


  • Head North on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward Airport Blvd (237A)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Airport Blvd S/TX-111 Loop E and merge onto TX-111 Loop S/Airport Blvd
  • Turn left onto Aldrich St
    *** Should be first major stoplight
  • At the traffic circle, continue straight to stay on Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street