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Friday, February 17, 2012

Tofu Potato Salad

Nutrition: Tofu Potato Salad


  • 1lb bag of small red potatoes
  • 1pkg (16oz) of Extra Firm Tofu *
  • 1pkg (16oz) of Soft Tofu
  • 10 tbsp extra virgin olive oil **
  • 5 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp tarragon
  • 1/2 cup parsley
  • 2 tbsp Spicy Brown Mustard (to taste) ***
  • Salt to taste ****
Substitution Items
  • * Can substitute w/ eggs, tuna or whatever you like
  • ** Can substitute w/ Grapeseed Oil or another oil of your choice
  • *** Can leave out the mustard or substitute with your own type
  • **** I used a couple dashes of some light sea salt


  1. Scrub the potatoes & boil them until they're tender
  2. While the potatoes cook, pan fry your firm tofu to your taste
    *** If you used a substitution, i.e. Tuna, prepare it how you normally would separately
  3. Grab a blender and toss in the soft tofu, lemon juice, olive oil, tarragon & parsley. Blend items until a smooth mix is formed.
    *** You can add a couple tablespoons of water if the mix is too thick.
  4. Find a large mixing/serving bowl & pour the mixture into it. Add the mustard, some salt and mix by hand thoroughly. Add additional spice to taste.
  5. Once the potatoes finish cooking, drain the excess water either mash them or quarter them. Add the potatoes to the mixture along with the firm tofu. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Cover the bowl with foil & place in the freezer/refridgerator until the mixture is cooled.
  7. Enjoy.


Everyone really liked this one. It's also my first blog post that I didn't rip from The Chevolution. I like all types of tuna/egg/potato/macaroni salad but the underlying issue is that they all generally use a lot of mayo. Mayo is bad for those trying to watch their weight, keep their cholesterol in check or with heart issues. This recipe avoids all that & if you take it easy on the salt, it's low in sodium too. It also contains a good amount of fiber. There is a very high carb count on this for you Atkins folks however. If you drop the potatoes out of the equation and maybe go with a couple cans of tuna (or similar protein), you can significantly drop the carb count. This is great to consume on its own or in a sandwich.

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