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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 9

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 9

Equipment Used:
  • Timer
  • Soft ground area to lie down (carpet/grass/etc)
  • A raised, solid surface which will support your weight (park bench, steps, sturdy chair)
  • Pull-up bar or similar raised grip point
  • Optional: Heavy gauge resistance band for static holds

Circuit #9

  1. High Knees
  2. Static Hold Pull-Up
  3. Burpees
  4. Wall Sit
  5. Mountain Climbers
  6. Plank
  7. Iso Hold Half Push-Up
  8. Box Jumps

Circuit #9 - Plyo-Iso Intervals

This circuit alternates between high intensity and static exercises. It is suppose to be executed continuously in "rounds" that include every exercise for a period of time. We initially start out with 30 second intervals but you can increase or decrease this to fit your fitness level. Between rounds take an extended break for at least a minute or two to get your composure back. If you become tired or cannot perform the exercises as listed, there are several ways to make the exercise easier. Tips are listed in the "Examples" section below.

Plyometric exercises (plyo) help develop explosive muscle power. This can benefit your run times, punching speed or almost any activity that requires acceleration. It also helps increase endurance due to the fact that your heart rate is raised. The cardio and burst aspect of the plyo routine burns a lot of calories.

Isometric exercises (iso) strengthen muscle groups at a specific point in your range of motion. It creates maximum tension over a long period of time. Since iso exercises do not have any movement, it is not cardio intensive and thus does not require long rest periods. Iso routines are generally easy on the joints and somewhat safer than complicated plyo movements.

By alternating between Plyo and Iso exercises in the routine, you eliminate the need to take long rests between exercises. You essentially are "resting" during your iso exercise. This type of break is more challenging since you are still performing an exercise while waiting for the next plyo round. Test yourself and see how many rounds you can complete before calling it quits.


Mountain Climbers: Click For Video Example
   Modified version: Place your hands on a raised surface instead of the ground.
Burpees: Click For Video Example
   Modified version:Eliminate the push-up step in the sequence.
Box Jumps: Click For Video Example
   Modified version: Step-up onto the surface instead of jumping.
High Knees: Click For Video Example

Plank: Click For Video Example
Wall Sit: Click For Video Example
Push-Up (Iso Hold): Click For Video Example
   Modified version: Place your hands on a raised surface instead of the ground.
Pull-Ups (Static Hold): Click For Video Example
   Modified version 1: Place your feet on the ground or similar solid surface. Pull yourself toward the bar. Hold.
   Modified version 2: Wrap a resistance band around a high bar or tall pole. Cross the band in an "X" and wrap the slack with your hands. Pull yourself toward the mount point. Hold.

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

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