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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Nutrition: Testosterone Booster

Nutrition: Testosterone Booster

Testosterone (test) is the male sex hormone in the body which gradually builds as you age. It seems to peak around the age of 30 however and then start to decline. For some people, their levels may just naturally be low before the age of 30 or be in decline. Declining or low testosterone levels can negatively impact your ability to build muscle and maintain strength. It may affect your bone density, propensity for heart disease, sleep cycle and emotional well-being too. Since it is a sex hormone, it also can be detrimental to your libido as well. There are several different methods you can use to combat this. Some are medical and require consulting a physician for testosterone replacement therapy or possibly steroids. Others are natural and available over the counter as supplements.

I turned 34 this year so one could say that I am on the "wrong" side of the hill when it comes to testosterone. I saw a couple positive reviews from a few YouTubers about supplemental testosterone boosters. Due to their testimony, I figured I would explore this option to see if it is something viable that I could add to my supplement stack. There are numerous brands out there and these supps are not cheap so I unfortunately couldn't test several of them. They also each have their own "cycle" in which I need 3-4 weeks off the supplement before trying another one. I will probably review a couple more at a later date.

I chose two boosters that have different main ingredients on purpose. After reading tons of reviews, I noticed a recurring theme that different people react (or do not react) to certain main ingredients. This likely caused some reviews to be very negative about certain supplements. The two boosters I purchased both were popular sellers on and had a majority of positive reviews (8+ out of 10). They both had a cycle that made the supplement lapse after a month but advised that the cycle could be stacked into another month. But after two months of use, you have to take a month off. I bought one bottle of each and took one month off in between uses.

The left side photo is my general shape at the end of last year (September 2012). Definitely softer but I started to be more serious about meal prep and switched up my workouts. The right side picture is my current shape (March 2013) and a lot sharper. I am not attesting the change seen here to the test booster but I do feel in the case of one of them, that it did help me shred. I testing both of these test boosters during this year when I was well into my current workout split and diet. I did take the recommended one month break between the supplements but I did not change anything workout/diet wise. This was on purpose to give both of them a fair test and try to keep the variables to a minimum. I'll elaborate in the individual reviews below.

Beast Sports Nutrition Super Test
Main Ingredient: Tribulus
Tribulus is an extract obtained from a vine (Tribulus Terrestris) and it has been used across cultures for many years with a long history of uses.
  • Support energy levels
  • Promote hormonal balance
  • Support testosterone release
  • Promote recovery time
  • Enhanced muscle mass and definition
This supplement has a 8.1 rating on and was recommended by a popular YouTuber in his late 30s. The label reads: "Super Test is designed to help you build muscle mass, improve strength, support sex health, help clean your system, and maintain your body so you can be to be fit and healthy". The serving size is 3 capsules which you have to take twice a day. The bottle contains 180 capsules for about $50 that should last you an entire month if taken as directed. Not to say that it may not work for others but this product did nothing for me. I felt no boost in strength or libido. I also didn't like having to take so many pills all the time. Tribulus products may not be very effective for me however. At a later date, I would like to try a different booster with tribulus to try and confirm this. As for this supplement, I will not be buying it again.

More detail and purchase info here: Super Test on

Athletic Edge Nutrition: APE
Main Ingredient: Fenugreek
Fenugreek is an herb native to southern Europe and Asia. Fenugreek has been used for thousands of years by native populations for a wide variety of uses.
  • Support normal body response to glucose
  • Promote healthy cholesterol levels already within a normal range
  • May support healthy male hormone levels
This supplement has a 9.1 rating on and was recommended to me by an AE sponsored athlete on Instagram. I was more wary of this supplement due to the source but it actually pleasantly surprised me. APE claims to: "support testosterone production, refine your physique, defy genetic limitations, promote “Alpha-Maleness” beyond normal capacity & intensity and enhance vascularity & athletic performance". The serving size for this supplement is 2 capsules which you only take once a day, 5 days out of the week. The smallest bottle comes with 40 capsules, which will also last you a month when taken as directed. The serving size & directions were much easier to follow and a big positive to me. I simply took it Mon-Fri and could forget about it during the weekend. Initially, I thought this supplement was ineffective as well but around the middle of the 3rd week of taking it, I started to feel it. I had more energy in general and my workouts were more intense. My appetite also majorly picked up. My maintenance calories were leaving me starving. It's almost as if my metabolism picked back up to what it was in my mid-20s. The only thing that was not as advertised is that I felt no increase in sex drive. I was bummed out when I ran out of this supplement. Currently I have an order shipping me a two month supply which I plan on using immediately. I highly recommend this supplement! ***I am not sponsored by AE (or anyone else but I'm open!)

More detail and purchase info here: APE on

I feel the APE is definitely worth the money. It was recommended by an athlete I respect and had an entire point additional satisfaction on I don't believe that the Beast Super Test is total garbage because there are a lot of people out there that use it. It's just not for me. Like with any supplement, find what works best for your body composition and diet. I would say with these supplements to give them the entire months run before discarding them. The APE took until week 3 to kick in so if I had given up on it week 2, I would have really missed out. The highest rated test boosters on their site are ZMA (zinc) based so I need to try those out too. If you are younger than 30, your levels might be OK based on your age. I think that some people could use the help regardless of age however. Its all based on your individual body. As always, feedback is appreciated, so let us know your thoughts about any test boosters you have tried.

Train Hard!

Submitted by Bars

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 10

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 10

Equipment Used:
  • Five colored die (or dice marked with different colors/markings)
  • Soft ground area to lie down (carpet/grass/etc)
  • A raised, solid surface which will support your weight (park bench, steps, sturdy chair)
  • Optional: Resistance Band or Dumbbells to perform weighted/advanced versions of exercises

Circuit #10

  1. Black (cardio): Burpees
  2. Blue (cardio/lower): Box Jumps
  3. Red (upper): Push-Ups
  4. Yellow (lower): Squats
  5. Green (abs): Lying Crunches
  6. Snake Eyes (all): Box Jumps, Pull-Ups, Walking Lunges, Rest
  7. Dice total indicates number of reps
  8. The highest numbered die indicates the exercise (color)
  9. If multiple colors share highest number (tie), perform reps for each exercise color

Circuit #10 - Crap Shoot Workout

This circuit is designed to be ran quickly. The point is to keeps moving and attempt to get through multiple rounds as quickly as possible. Since we are moving quickly, we chose to use calisthenic exercises that require no equipment. This type of workout is extremely flexible due to the fact that you can switch up the assigned exercises to suit your needs. The snake eyes rule is optional but we wanted to make them a big deal like they are in shooting craps. In the event of a tie, perform reps for each exercise that shares the highest number.

We chose the above exercises to try and hit each body group and include some cardio. Again, you can change these exercises to suit your own individual needs or to not let the circuit get stale. If in a group, you could also have each member pick their own exercise assignments for each color. Take breaks in between each members custom set.

Many of the exercises we chose to use are explained in greater detail in previous posts so browse those for additional tips and tricks. Video examples are linked below to refresh your memory on each exercise. If you cannot perform the original exercise or become tired, please move to an easier version of the exercise or replace it. For burpees, we use mountain climbers as an alternate exercise. With push-ups, move to using your knees. Replace box jumps with step-ups if needed.


Burpees: Click For Video Example
Squat Presses: Click For Video Example
Push-Up: Click For Video Example
Lying Reverse Crunches: Click For Video Example
Box Jumps: Click For Video Example
Pull-Ups: Video Example (Assisted)
Walking Lunges: Click For Video Example

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!