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Monday, May 21, 2012

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 1

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 1

Equipment Used:
  • One pair of dumbbells
  • Soft ground area for push-ups/sit-ups
  • Park Bench or flat area of similar height
  • Hill with a steep incline (at least 45 degree) or a set of stairs
  • Highly recommended:Water source / Shade
Tip: This workout is outside, designed for a park with some space & some basic equipment. Scout out parks near you.
*** Directions to the park we use is at the bottom of the page. (Mueller Lake Park)
Tip: At least here in Texas, it's hot as hell outside. Bring water and snack bars to keep your energy up. As always, drink plenty of water and get sufficient rest.

Circuit #1

  1. Stretch/Warmup
  2. Push-Up / Military Press Superset
  3. Squats
  4. Sit-Ups / Crunches
  5. Bicep Curls
  6. Walking Alternating Lunges
  7. Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups
  8. Tricep Dips
  9. Incline Wind Sprints
  10. Agility Slalom Run
  11. Optional: 1/2 mile run
Stretch / Warmup
Loosen your muscles (both upper/lower body). Stretch out and hydrate.

1 - Push-Up / Military Press Superset
A - Push-Up
Click For Video Example
Find a soft area to kneel down. Grab your dumbbells and get into the front leaning rest position w/ your hands still wrapped around the dumbbells. Knock out a set of push-ups. Once done, get back onto your knees and move into the Military Press.
B -Military Press
Click For Video Example
While still kneeling after your push-up set, move the dumbbells into position near your head with your arms bent at a 90 degree angle. Perform a set of Military Presses. Afterward, rest 30-60 seconds and then start the superset again with push-ups.
Optional: You can perform both exercises without dumbbells if you get tired.
2 - Squats
Click For Video Example
Standing in front of a park bench (or similar flat surface) , stand w/ feet shoulder-width apart and arms out-stretched. Perform squats. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
Optional: To increase difficulty, either perform squats with a single weight held near your chest w/ both hands or hold a weight in each hand in the military press position (near your head w/ arms at 45 degrees).
3 - Sit-Ups / Crunches
Sit-Up Video Example
Crunch Video Example
Find a soft area to lie down (or use a mat or park ab equipment). Either peform crunches or sit-ups (may vary based on equipment and/or people to help hold your feet). Rest 30 seconds between sets (abs recover quickly compared to other muscle groups).
4 - Bicep Curls
Video Example
Grab your dumbbells, stand w/ feet shoulder-width apart and perform bicep curls. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
5 - Walking Alternating Lunges
Video Example
Stand w/ feet shoulder-width apart and at least 30 paces of flat space in front of you. Perform walking lunges. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
Optional: To increase difficulty, hold a dumbbell in each hand down by your sides as you perform this exercise.
Optional: You don't have to, but going down low enough to where your knee touches the ground increases difficulty as well.
6 - Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups
Video Example (Assisted)
Find a set of pull-up bars (if none available, skip this exercise or perform Delt Rows off a park bench). Perform as many pull/chin-ups as you can un-assisted. If a workout partner or sturdy cooler is available, perform as many assisted pull/chin-ups as possible. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
Optional: If no pull-up bars are available, perform the following: Delt Rows Video Example
Optional: You can use a lower hanging pull-up bar and a sturdy cooler to perform assisted pull/chin-ups.
Optional: If you have a friend available, you can bend your knees and have a friend assist you by pulling up on your knees.
7 - Tricep Dips
Video Example
Start seating on a park bench (or similar raised flat surface) with your feet flat on the floor and your legs bent out slightly more than 90 degrees. With your palms flat on the bench and your fingers facing the same direction as your body, push your butt out in the air so that you are being supported by your arms. Perform dips. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
8 - Incline Wind Sprints
Video Example
Find a steep hill w/out too much debris and uniform surface. Allow enough flat space at the bottom of the incline to slow down. Sprint quickly up the hill and jog back down. Repeat several times and then rest. Optional: If no suitable hills are available, you can run a step of stairs for an incline workout.
9 - Agility Slalom Run
Video Example
Find a set of trees (or other obstacles/landmarks) that are staggered and spaced on flat ground (pictured at the top of the page). Run around each obstacle, alternating left to right. After the last obstacle, clear to the side of all obstacles and sprint straight back to the start. Rest 30 seconds (or until you catch your breath).
Optional: You can setup a set of cones, spray paint waypoints on the ground or use other means to create the obstacles course to navigate around.
10 - Optional Run
If you're still up for it, either walk or jog a short 1/4 to 1/2 mile course around the park. Walk the entire route to cool down or if you're not tired yet, perform alternating sprints and jogs every 1/8 mile. Walk it out an extra 1/8 mile at the end to cool down after.
Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

The closest intersection is at the edge of the park.
Map to the following intersection:
Simond Ave & Mattie St, Austin TX 78723
  • Head South on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward 51st Street
  • Merge onto I-35 Frontage Rd
  • Turn left onto E 51st St
  • Turn right onto Mueller Blvd
    *** Once on Mueller, Seton Hospital will be to your right
  • At the traffic circle, make a left onto Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street
  • Head North on I-35
    *** Or just get to E 51st street however you normally would
  • Take the exit toward Airport Blvd (237A)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Airport Blvd S/TX-111 Loop E and merge onto TX-111 Loop S/Airport Blvd
  • Turn left onto Aldrich St
    *** Should be first major stoplight
  • At the traffic circle, continue straight to stay on Aldrich St
  • Make the first right onto Simond Ave
  • Go to the 2nd driveway entrance
    *** Has pull-up bars near it, park in the lot or on the street

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