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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brooks Glycerin 10 Review

I bought this model of Brooks because I having a trouble with the toes on my right foot. The Glycerin model is the top of the line Brooks shoe. I’ve tried their Trance model as well, but they hurt both of my feet. This is the Brooks Glycerin 10.

With that being said, I’m in love with this shoe. I use the Glycerin for my daily runner. I do have the Adrenaline GTS which I use if I’m going to be upping my pace. I also have the Cadence but reserve that strictly for speed work.

Using a lighter shoe as my daily running shoe had me a little bit worried. They aren’t that heavy to where you’re going to need some time to adjust. I laced these shoes up and didn’t feel like I would have a problem. I’m able to add a little speed with no issues. There’s enough cushion and support that as you fatigue and your form suffers, these shoes will help with your foot landing. Usually I go no more than 250 miles in any shoe because I tend to wear them out quickly. I can usually feel pain in my knees and calves when this starts to occur. I’ve gone over 360 miles and I’ve just reached the point to where I need a new pair. My new pair of shoes will be the Brooks Glycerin 11.

There are a few negatives with this shoe however. At the tip of the toe you can see the shiny rubber flairs downward into the sole of the shoe. At that point where the rubber and shoe cloth meets, the cloth frayed pretty quickly. There’s a second layer of cloth there so you don’t have a gaping hole all the way through. The price might be a little on the high end at $150.

- Pacer

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